Thepa e bohlale ea LED ea Phororo ea metsi, Faucet ea Kamore ea ho hlapa ea Sejoale-joale, E Loketse Likamore tsa ho hlapa le Matloana.
LED Smart Waterfall Faucet e na le moralo oa sejoale-joale, o bobebe o nang le phallo e boreleli ea phororo. E entsoe ka thepa e tšoarellang, e netefatsa ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le ts'ebeliso ea nako e telele. Thepa ena e na le mabone a LED a sebetsang hantle, a sebetsang ho latela mocheso oa metsi. Ho bonolo ho e kenya ebile e loketse likamore tsa ho hlapela le tsa ho hlapela ka bobeli, e fana ka tlatsetso ea setaele empa e sebetsa sebakeng sefe kapa sefe. E loketse bakeng sa tšebeliso ea bolulo kapa ea khoebo, faucet ena e fana ka phallo e tsitsitseng ea metsi le ho ntlafatsa phihlelo ea mosebedisi.
Smart Touchless Bathroom Faucet ea boleng bo holimo ea Zinc Alloy e Fetohang ea Mocheso o Bolokang Metsi.
Sesebelisoa sena sa Smart Touchless Bathroom Faucet ke Unik, se entsoeng Chaena, ke motsoako o phethahetseng oa ho tšoarella le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele. Ka moaho oa eona oa boleng bo holimo oa zinc alloy le pheletso e boreleli ea electroplated, ha e shebahale e le bokhabane feela empa e boetse e emela ts'ebeliso ea letsatsi le letsatsi. Taolo e tsoetseng pele ea infrared touchless e fana ka boiphihlelo bo hloekileng le bo sa sebetseng, athe litlhophiso tse feto-fetohang tse chesang le tse batang li netefatsa boiketlo ba motho. Moralo oa eona o bonolo oa tikoloho o boloka metsi le ho theola likoloto, 'me likhetho tseo u ka li khethang li u lumella ho e hlophisa ho latela litlhoko tsa hau. Ntlafatsa kamore ea hau ea ho hlapa ka pompo ena ea setaele, e sebetsang e ts'episang boiketlo le ho rarahana.
Pompo ea liphororo tse kenyang metsi
Setsi sa metsi sa induction sa LED se sebelisa theknoloji ea induction ea LED ho qala ho phalla ha metsi ha ho hlokahala, ho boloka matla a bohlokoa. Laola phallo ea metsi ka katleho, fokotsa litšila le ho kenya letsoho ts'ireletsong ea tikoloho. Moralo oa sejoale-joale o bonolo bakeng sa mefuta eohle ea libethe, Libaka tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Metsi a phoroselang, ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba tšebeliso, maikutlo a mabothobotho. E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea koporo, e lekiloeng ka thata, e tšoarella ebile e ka tšeptjoa. Sehlopha sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se hloahloa, karabelo e potlakileng, tšebeletso e khotsofatsang. Ts'ehetsa tlhophiso le lisebelisoa tse potlakileng ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng.
Pompo ea koporo ea induction Sepompo sa ho hlapa se chesang le se batang
Thepa ena e kopanya theknoloji ea sensor e tsoetseng pele ea infrared le moralo oa motho, 'me e fetola phallo ea metsi ka bo eona ntle le ho ama, e leng bohloeki ebile e bonolo. Taolo e bohlale ea ho boloka mehloli ea metsi, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, ho tšehetsa ts'ebetso ea metsi a chesang le a batang, ho sebetsana le ho lokisa mocheso oa metsi. Lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ba koporo, ho hanyetsa kutu le ho hanyetsa khatello, ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng. E loketse libaka tse nang le sephethephethe se phahameng le malapa a sejoale-joale, ntlafatsa polokeho le boiketlo bo bohlale. Ts'ebeletso e ikhethileng, thepa e potlakileng, tšehetso e felletseng ea kamora thekiso.
Thepa ea koporo ea koporo e utloang infrared
Setsi sa lipompo tsa induction se kopanya theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea infrared sensing le theknoloji ea boleng bo holimo ea koporo, metsi a ikemetseng a sa kopaneng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, ntlafatso ea bophelo bo botle, e loketseng libaka tsa phallo e phahameng joalo ka lihotele, meaho ea liofisi, mabenkele a mabenkele. boleng bo phahameng koporo tlhahiso, mafome manganga le nako e telele, bohlale phallo ea metsi ho laola ho boloka mehlodi ya, a loketse bakeng sa beisine, moralo oa morao-rao bonolo, ka customized chapa ponahalo tshebetso, matlafatsa tlhōlisano marakeng, taolo e tiileng ea tlhahiso ea ho etsa bonnete ba hore boleng ba sehlahisoa.
Sekoti se le seng sa metsi a batang a chrome-plated koporo ea induction faucet ea Bathroom
Bohlale ba sensor ea bomba, theknoloji ea sensor e tsoetseng pele ea infrared, ts'ebetso e sa amaneng le batho, e ntlafatsa maemo a bophelo bo botle, a loketseng libaka tsa sechaba. Boloka tšebeliso ea metsi le matla, paballo ea matla le tšireletso ea tikoloho. E entsoe ka koporo ea boleng bo holimo, e tšoarella nako e telele ebile e hanela kutu. Ts'ehetsa lits'ebeletso tse ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa 'maraka. Phepelo e sebetsang hantle, phano e nakong, le karabelo e potlakileng kamora thekiso e netefatsa hore bareki ba lula ba natefeloa ke boiphihlelo ba ho reka ntle le matšoenyeho nakong eohle ea ts'ebeliso.
Tempo ea lipompo tsa koporo Ceramic spool ea ho hlapela e chesang le e batang
Thepa ea rona e bohlale ea induction basin faucet, e nang le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea infrared sensor, ho boloka metsi le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le tlhahiso ea boleng bo holimo ea koporo, e ts'ehetsa lits'ebeletso tse ikhethileng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e bonolo le e potlakileng, e loketseng libaka tsa sechaba le tikoloho ea ts'ebeliso khafetsa, e fana ka botlalo ka mor'a thekiso. tšehetso, ho tlisetsa bareki boiphihlelo bo sebetsang le bo tšepahalang ba tšebeliso.
Sepompo sa infrared se utloang othomathike Kamore ea ho hlapela Kamore ea koporo ea thermostatic faucet
Thepa e kopanya theknoloji e tsoetseng pele 'me e etselitsoe ho fana ka mocheso o tsitsitseng oa metsi, ho ntlafatsa phihlelo ea mosebedisi, le ho boloka metsi le tšebeliso ea matla. Theknoloji ea induction e qala le ho koala phallo ea metsi, e nolofatsa bohloeki le ho fokotsa ho roala ha lipompo. Ho khethoa koporo ea boleng bo holimo ho netefatsa ho hanyetsa kutu e tšoarellang le ho boloka ts'ebetso ea ponahalo e ncha nako e telele. Mocheso o sa khaotseng le li-switches tsa induction li fokotsa litšila tsa metsi le tšebeliso ea matla, ho latela litlhoko tsa sejoale-joale tsa paballo ea matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho. Fana ka litšebeletso tse ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa 'maraka.
Pompo e bolokang metsi ka kamoreng ea ho hlapela Setsi sa sensor sa infrared
E kopantsoe le theknoloji ea infrared sensor le tlhahiso ea koporo, faucet ena ea sensor e ka sebetsoa ntle le ho kopana, e ntlafatsa haholo boiketlo ba ts'ebetso le phello ea ho boloka metsi, ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki ba kajeno. Lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ba koporo ho netefatsa botsitso le ho tšoarella, ho hanyetsa kutu, ho loketse mefuta eohle ea mehaho ea bolulo, ea khoebo le mehaho ea sechaba. Ts'ehetso ea moralo oa moetlo, ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang, tse nang le sehlopha sa litsebi tsa morao-rao tsa thekiso, tšehetso e felletseng ea botekgeniki ho netefatsa khotsofalo le ts'epo ea bareki.
Faucete ea koporo ea kamore ea ho hlapela Restaurant Hotel Induction faucet
Thepa ena e kopanya theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea ho lemoha le thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea koporo, 'me e sebelisa theknoloji ea ho lemoha ka infrared bakeng sa ts'ebetso e sa amaneng le motho, ho bulela le ho tima phallo ea metsi habonolo, le ho boloka metsi ka nepo. Lisebelisoa tsa Brass li tiisa tšebeliso e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele le ho hanyetsa ha kutu, haholo-holo tse loketseng lireschorente, lihotele, lipetlele le libaka tse ling tsa sechaba, litšobotsi tsa eona tsa bohloeki le tse bonolo li fokotsa ka katleho kotsi ea tšoaetso ea sefapano.
Ha re tsepamise maikutlo feela ts'ebetsong ea sehlahisoa le melemo ea tikoloho, empa hape re fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa motho ka mong, tšehetso ea OEM le ODM, lihlahisoa tsa lipompo tse ikhethileng ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki ho netefatsa hore li lekana hantle litlhoko tsa hau. Sehlopha sa rona sa kamora thekiso se ts'ehetsa ka botlalo 'me se ikemiselitse ho u fa thuso ea litsebi. -
Thepa ea khale ea Sensor Faucet Basin Sink e sa amang ea pompo ea kamore ea ho hlapela
Brand UNIK Material Brass Function Single Cold/Hot and Cold Surface Kalafo ea Chrome Spool Ceramic Installation Deck Mount Packing Box/Carton Service OEM,ODM Place of Origin QUANZHOU FUJIAN UNIK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. E na le theknoloji ea tlhahiso e butsoitseng, e tsamaisang fuselage ka mochini oa mochini, ho bentša, ho sebetsa ka holim'a chrome, ho etella pele mokokotlo oa li-valve tsa ceramic joalo ka karolo e ka sehloohong ea 'mele oa ho roala hangata ke tlhahlobo ea moholi oa letsoai o sa nke lehlakore, ho netefatsa ...